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Here’s the story: Few days ago on the 16th around 02:25 in the morning, I’m texting her agent to ask, if she’s available for 3 hours outcall, she was, we’ve agreed on $ 400 + taxi fare, same like on the site, she’s in the taxi, but then all of a sudden, she’s saying “ sorry” $750 showing me some different prices, not like the ones on this site, telling me, those prices are day prices, at night prices are different and that she’ll update the prices on the site, which I don’t see, 7500tl for 3 hours Outcall, when I told her that there’s no such prices in Istanbul for an escort and that all that is such a bullsheet and a scam, she told me: “I’ll write about you”
I couldn’t quite understand what exactly she’ll write about me, but never mind.
Just keep in mind, absolutely not reliable, this agent.